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Предлоги at, in, on (Prepositions of place and direction at, in, on)

AT (в каком-то месте): He is at the airport; at the train station; at the bank; at the office; at work; at home; at school; at the university; at the tennis club. She is at the doctor's; at the dentist's; at her sister's.

AT (в каком-то месте): She works at a bank; at a library; at a hospital; at a newspaper; at a plant; at IBM. We ate at a restaurant; at McDonald's. She stayed at a small hotel. He studied economics at a business school; at a technical school.

AT (у, около какого-то места): Turn left at the traffic lights; at the bank; at the school; at the church. He is standing at the bus stop; at the corner of the street; at the door; at the window. She is sitting at her desk; at the table.

AT (на каком-то уровне или расстоянии): It is at the top of the page; at the top of the list; at the bottom of the page; at the end of the list; at the beginning of the book; at the end of the chapter; at the end of the street; at the top of the mountain; at the bottom of the sea; at sea level; at a height of 25 meters; at a distance of 200 meters. She lives at 15 Main Street.

AT (на каком-то мероприятии): They are at a concert; at a party; at a meeting; at a conference; at a football game; at the movies; at the cinema; at the theater; at the opera; at dinner; at lunch.


IN – в каком-то месте, внутри, в пределах какого-то ограниченного пространства.

IN: The key is in this box; in your bag; in my pocket; in her hand; in the desk drawer; in the living room; in the corner of the room; in the kitchen; in the hall; in the closet; in the car. There are four rooms in his house. There is no elevator in this building. It was very cold in her apartment; in the office; in the theater.

IN: He is sitting in an armchair; in a rocking chair; in a wheelchair. They walked in the park; played in the garden. We saw flowers in the field; clouds in the sky; balloons in the air; birds in the trees; animals in the woods; fish in the river.

IN: He is in the army; in bed; in class; in prison / in jail. AmE: to be in the hospital (лежать в больнице; быть/находиться в больнице). BrE: to be in hospital (лежать в больнице).

IN: She lives in a large house; in a small apartment; in a large city; in the center of the city; in a small town; in the country; in a village; in Paris; in London; in England; in the United States; in the North; in the South. What is the largest country in the world?

IN: I read it in a book; in a dictionary; in a newspaper. I saw it in a film; in a movie; in a dream. I know the man in this photograph. I like the landscape in this picture. She looked at herself in the mirror.

IN: The house is in the center of the picture, with the forest in the background and the mountains in the distance. He is sitting in the sixth row. Please stand in line.

IN: There is a hole in your coat; a pain in my foot. There were tears in her eyes; strange thoughts in his head.


ON – на поверхности чего-то; на чем-то.

ON: The book is on the table; on the shelf; on the windowsill; on the floor. The picture is on the wall. Read the text on page 5. She is sitting on the sofa; on the bed; on a chair; on a bench; on a stool. He walked on crutches for a month.

ON: There is a smile on his face; a hat on his head; black shoes on his feet; a shawl on her shoulders; a stain on your coat; ice on the water; snow on the roof. Fruit grows on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees.

ON: We spent our vacation on a small island in the Caribbean Sea. London is on the Thames River. Our house is on the left; on the right; on the corner of the street. Her apartment is on the third floor. She lives on Green Street.

ON: They are on the train to Bern; on the plane to Rome. Who is that boy on a bicycle? She got on the bus on Oak Street.

ON: I saw it on TV. I heard it on the radio. I spoke to her on the telephone. I found it on the Internet.

Note: at, in, on

AT/IN: She works at a bank / in a bank. He works at a library / in a library. I ate at a restaurant / in a restaurant.

AT/ON: She will wait for us at the corner of the street / on the corner of the street.

IN/ON: There are a lot of people in the streets / on the streets. AmE: She lives on Main Street. BrE: She lives in Main Street.

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